• Question: why do people have different sort of blood types.

    Asked by ls to Claire, Liad, Ryan, Mako on 24 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Ryan Cheale

      Ryan Cheale answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      I had to go read for this one!

      From my understanding it is from where you orginate from and not so much now but really far back. Different blood behaves slightly differently and can be advantageous towards stopping some dieseases taking hold or the complete opposite.

    • Photo: Claire Bryer

      Claire Bryer answered on 25 Jun 2015:

      Your blood group type is inherited from your parents. It’s basically to do with the antigens that are on your red blood cells.
      You can be O, A, B or AB (AB is the rarest). You can also be positive or negative blood type. O negative is good as it is the universal donor, meaning their blood can be given to everyone.
      Ryan is right in that blood group types have evolved for a reason, and it’s probably to do with susceptibility to diseases.
