• Question: How messie does the lab get?

    Asked by GloryXGaming to Ryan, Ruth, Mako, Liad, Claire on 20 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Liad Baruchin

      Liad Baruchin answered on 20 Jun 2015:

      Well, I think that it needs a good clean and reorganisation every fortnight or so. So it’s quite messy. When moving things around and using different instruments, it’s very easy to get everything very messy. But I do try to keep it well organised, to the best of my ability.

    • Photo: Claire Bryer

      Claire Bryer answered on 21 Jun 2015:

      It depends on who you work with I think! I’ve worked with incredibly tidy people but also with very messy people. It really helps to be tidy and organised in a lab, as usually they’re packed with equipment and you need to know where everything is. You also need a good system to remember where your samples are stored as you definitely don’t want to mix these up!

    • Photo: Ruth Elderfield

      Ruth Elderfield answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      We have different parts of the lab, our tissue culture area where our virus work is done is kept very clean and tidy. This is so our experiments don’t get contaminated and it is safe to work. Then there are scientists own benches. These are a mix of super messy or super neat, different scientists work in different ways, I was trained to keep everywhere really neat and tidy. I hate working in a mess. Some of my colleagues work in chaos, but it suits them and they still do really good work, I just try to ignore their benches.

    • Photo: Ryan Cheale

      Ryan Cheale answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      Clean and tidy 🙂 Don’t want a messy lab or you might lose important things!
