• Question: how often is a solar eclips?

    Asked by zapperdude100 to Claire on 22 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Claire Bryer

      Claire Bryer answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      In a total eclipse, the whole sun is blocked by the moon. If the moon had a perfectly circular orbit around the Earth then there would be a solar eclipse every month, but because it is slightly tilted (elliptical) it doesn’t always block it. The sun, moon and Earth must be perfectly aligned for a total eclipse to occur.

      This is a good website explaining it:

      The website also tells you when the next eclipse is due to happen (depending on where you live might mean it’s more partial). There is at least 2, and at most 5, solar eclipses in one year. A maximum of 2 a year can be total eclipses.
