• Question: Is biology as universal as chemistry and physics?

    Asked by wl to Claire, Liad, Ruth, Ryan, Mako on 15 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Claire Bryer

      Claire Bryer answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      They are all related and interlinked so it is useful to know a bit of them all. I would maybe say if you study Physics you probably don’t need to know much Biology? But certainly if you study Biology at University, you will also learn lots of Physics, Chemistry and indeed Maths! Biology can be explained by Chemistry, which can be explained by Physics.

    • Photo: Liad Baruchin

      Liad Baruchin answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      I think it’s as universal. They are all part of a continuum and look at things at different levels.
