• Question: Why are people different handed like some people are right handed and some people are left handed? Also i would love it if you could tell me the percentage of how many people are left or right handed? Are you left or right handed?

    Asked by Kitcat to Claire, Liad, Ryan, Mako on 24 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Ryan Cheale

      Ryan Cheale answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      So interestingly, we don’t actually know! It’s suggested that it is probably genetic though. Though it begs the question how did people start using one hand over the other?

      About 80% of people are right handed and 20% left handed though i suspect if you looked in an isolated community these percentages would vary widely, i think you could do an interesting project on that.

      I’m right handed but my mother and sisters are all left handed! As a result I may predominately use my right hand but things like wearing my watch on my right hand is a left handed thing!

      Really good question.
